John Munsell
![John Munsell](/content/agroforestry_frec_vt_edu/en/People/Faculty/Munsell-John/_jcr_content/bio-image.transform/m-medium/image.jpg)
304 Cheatham Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
John Munsell is a Professor and Forest Management Extension Specialist in the Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation at Virginia Tech. His work includes private forest and farm stewardship, agroforestry and whole farm planning, bioenergy and family forest sustainability, collaborative conservation and integrated natural resources problem solving. He teaches agroforestry and advanced agroforestry topics, and co-teaches a graduate level human dimensions of natural resources seminar. John also serves as the president of the Association for Temperate Agroforestry and is an associate editor for the journal Agroforestry Systems. He resides in Blacksburg with his family where he enjoys playing his string bass, going to a Hokie game or two, and making venison jerky.
- FOR/CSES 4334: Practices and Principles of Agroforestry
- FOR 5164: Human Dimensions Graduate Seminar (co-taught)
- Associate Editor - Agroforestry Systems
- President - Association for Temperate Agroforestry
- Non-timber Product Output Report for Forest Inventory Analysis
- Forest Farming eXtension Community of Practice
- Native Fruit and Nut Tree Riparian Buffers in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Agroforestry Preferences and Procedures in Cameroon
- Building the Capacity of Appalachian Forest Farming Networks
- Forest Certification Stakeholders
- Bioenergy and Family Forest Sustainability
- Virginia's Link to Education about Forests (LEAF) Program.
- Munsell, J.F., S.M McCabe, and J.R. Seiler. in press. Forestry education in US Southern Piedmont high school science classes. Journal of Forestry.
- Wolde, B., P. Lal, J.R.R. Alavalapti, and J.F. Munsell. in press. Factors affecting forestland owners' allocation of non-forested land to pine plantation for bioenergy in Virginia. Biomass and Bioenergy.
- Barrett, S.M., W.M. Aust, M.C. Bolding, W.A. Lakel, and J.F. Munsell. in press. Estimated Erosion, Ground Cover, and Best Management Practices Audit Details for Post-Harvest Evaluations of Biomass and Conventional Clearcut Harvests. Journal of Forestry.
- Barrett, S.M., W.M. Aust, M.C. Bolding, W.A. Lakel, and J.F. Munsell. in press. Implementation of Forestry Best Management Practices on Biomass and Conventional Harvesting Operations in Virginia. Water.
- Munsell, J.F., B.J. Addlestone, C.J Bukowski, L. Nkembi, N. Kingsly, and E.A. Moore. in press. Relationships between agroforestry and community development according to practitioners. Agroforestry Systems.
- Franz, N.K, J.F. Munsell, T.N. Brown, and H.K. Chittum. 2017. Evaluate naturally and quickly with Just-in-Time program evaluation. Journal of Extension. 55(1).
- Lal, P., B. Wolde; J.R.R. Alavalapati, P. Burli, and J.F. Munsell. 2016. Forestland Owners' Willingness to Plant Pine on Non-Forested Land for Woody Bioenergy in Virginia. Forest Policy and Economics. 73(2016):52-57.
- Polys, N.F., P.M. Sforza, W.C. Hession, and J.F. Munsell. 2016. Extensible Experiences: Fusality for Stream and Field. In: Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on 3D Web Technology (Web3D '16). ACM, New York, NY, USA.
- Munsell, J.F., S.M McCabe, and J.R. Seiler. 2016. Forestry education in US Southern Piedmont high school science classes. Journal of Forestry. 114(4):441-448.
- Wolde, B., P. Lal, J.R.R. Alavalapti, and J.F. Munsell. 2016. Factors affecting forestland owners' allocation of non-forested land to pine plantation for bioenergy in Virginia. Biomass and Bioenergy. 85(2016):69-75.
- Barrett, S.M., W.M. Aust, M.C. Bolding, W.A. Lakel, and J.F. Munsell. 2016. Estimated Erosion, Ground Cover, and Best Management Practices Audit Details for Post-Harvest Evaluations of Biomass and Conventional Clearcut Harvests. Journal of Forestry. 114(1):9-16.
- Barrett, S.M., W.M. Aust, M.C. Bolding, W.A. Lakel, and J.F. Munsell. 2016. Implementation of Forestry Best Management Practices on Biomass and Conventional Harvesting Operations in Virginia. Water. 8(3):89.
- Cristan, R., W.M. Aust, M.C. Bolding, S.M. Barrett, J.F. Munsell, and E. Schilling. 2016. Effectiveness of forestry best management practices in the United States: Literature review. Forest Ecology and Management. 360:130-151.
- Kimball, L.L., P.E. Wiseman, S.D. Day, and J.F. Munsell. 2014. Use of urban tree canopy assessments by localities in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Cities and the Environment. 7(2):1-16.
- Barrett, S.M., M.C. Bolding, W.M. Aust, and J.F. Munsell. 2014. Characteristics of logging businesses that harvest biomass for energy production. Forest Products Journal. 64(7-8):265-272.
- Bond, B.H., S. Lyon, J.F. Munsell, S.M. Barrett, and J.L. Gagnon. 2014. Perceptions of Virginia's primary forest products manufactures regarding forest certification. Forest Products Journal. 64(7-8):242-249.
- Campell, C.D., J.R. Seiler, P.E. Wiseman, B.D. Strahm, and J.F. Munsell. 2014. Soil carbon dynamics in residential lawns converted from Appalachian mixed oak stands. Forests. 5(3). 425-438
- Moore, E.A., J.F. Munsell, A.L. Hammett, and K.M. Moore. 2014. Agroforestry preferences in refugee hosting communities in Cameroon. Agroforestry Systems. 88(4):735-752.
- McCabe, S.M., J.F. Munsell, and J.R. Seiler. 2014. Forest Field Trips among high school science teachers in the southern Piedmont. Natural Sciences Education. 43:44–50 (2014).
- Trozzo, K.E., J.F. Munsell, and J.L. Chamberlain. 2014. Landowner interest in multifunctional agroforestry riparian buffers. Agroforestry Systems. 88(4):619-629.
- Trozzo, K.E., J.F. Munsell, J.L. Chamberlain, and W.M. Aust. 2014. Potential adoption of agroforestry riparian buffers based on landowner and streamside characteristics. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 69(2).140-150.
- VanBrakle, J.D., R.H Germain, J.F. Munsell, and S.V. Stehman. 2013. Do forest management plans increase BMP implementation on family forests? A formative evaluation in New York City's watershed. Journal of Forestry. 11(2):108-114.
- Johnson J.W., J.H. Fike, W.B. Fike, J.A. Burger, J.R. McKenna, J.F. Munsell, and S.C. Hodges. 2013. Millwood honeylocust trees: Seedpod nutritive value and yield characteristics. Agroforestry Systems. 81(4):849-856
- Vaughan, R.C., J.F. Munsell, and J.L. Chamberlain. 2013. Opportunities for enhancing non-timber forest products management in the United States. Journal of Forestry. 111(1):26-33.
- Johnson, J.W., J.H. Fike, W.B. Fike, J.A. Burger, J.F. Munsell, J.R. McKenna, and S.C. Hodges. 2012. Millwood and wild type honeylocust seedpod nutritive value changes over winter. Crop Science. 52:2807-2816.
- Brinckman, M.D. and J.F. Munsell. 2012. Disproportionality, social marketing, and biomass availability: A case study of Virginia and North Carolina family forests. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry. 36(2):85-91.
- Barrett, S.M., M.C. Bolding, and J.F. Munsell. 2012. Evaluating continuing education needs and program effectiveness using a survey of Virginia’s SHARP logger program participants. Journal of Extension. 50(1).
- Munsell, J.F., S.M. Barrett, and M.C. Bolding. 2011. An exploratory study of biomass harvesting among logging firms in Virginia and North Carolina. Forest Science. 57(5):427-434.
- Munsell, J.F.and T.R. Fox. 2010. An analysis of the feasibility for increasing woody biomass production from pine plantations in the southern United States. Biomass and Bioenergy. 34(12):1631-1642.
- Radtke, P.J. and J.F. Munsell. 2010. Wikipeda as a tool for forestry outreach. Journal of Forestry. 108(7):354-359.
- Bolding, M.C., S.M. Barrett, J.F. Munsell, and M.C. Groover. 2010. Characteristics of Virginia’s logging businesses in a changing timber market. Forest Products Journal. 60(1):86-93.
- Munsell, J.F., J.L. Gagnon, S. Barrett, and E. Powell. 2010. Virginia’s link to education about forestry (LEAF) program. Journal of Extension. 48(3).
- Luzadis, V.A., L. Castello, J. Choi, C.B. Franco, E. Greenfield, S. Kim, J.F. Munsell, E. Nordman, and F. Olowabi. 2010. The science of ecological economics: A content analysis of Ecological Economics, 1989–2004. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1185:1-10.
- Munsell, J.F., R. Hamilton, and A. Downing. 2009. Prospective scope of forest management education at James Madison’s Montpelier. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education. 38:198-203.
- Munsell, J.F., R.H. Germain, V.A. Luzadis, and E. Bevilacqua. 2009. Owner intentions, previous harvests, and future timber yield on 50 working NIPF in New York State. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry. 26(2):45-51.
- Munsell, J.F., R.H Germain, and I.A. Munn. 2008. A tale of two forests: Case study comparisons of sustained yield management on Mississippi and New York nonindustrial private forestland. Journal of Forestry. 106(8):431-439.
- Munsell, J.F.and R.H. Germain. 2007. Woody biomass energy: An opportunity for silviculture on non-industrial private forestlands in New York. Journal of Forestry. 105(8): 398-402.
- Munsell, J.F.and R.H. Germain. 2007. Measuring BMP knowledge and implementation among Catskill/Delaware watershed NIPF owners. Proceedings: international conference on transfer of forest science knowledge and technology. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-726. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 255 p.
- Germain, R.H., J.F. Munsell, and K. Brazill. 2007. The New York City watershed model forests revisited five years later: an assessment of successes, failures, and challenges for the future. Journal of Extension. 45(3).
- Munsell, J.F., R.H. Germain, E. Bevilacqua, and R.M. Schuster. 2006. Voluntary BMP implementation by NIPF owners in New York City's water supply system. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry. 23(2):133-140.
- Germain, R.H. and J.F. Munsell. 2005. How much land is needed for the harvest access system on non-industrial private forestlands dominated by northern hardwoods? Northern Journal of Applied Forestry. 22(4): 243-247
- Munsell, J.F. and R.H. Germain. 2004. Forestry extension participation and written forest management plan use in New York City's water supply system. Journal of Extension. 42(2).
- Munsell, J.F.and A.K. Downing. 2012. Experiencing Forest Conservation at James Madison's Montpelier. Virginia Forests. Fall Edition. 9-11.
- Trozzo, K.E., J.F. Munsell,and J.L. Chamberlain. 2012. Native Fruit and Nut Trees of Virginia’s Mountains and Piedmont. Virginia Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet. ANR-23NP. 5p.
- Trozzo, K.E., J.F. Munsell, and J.L. Chamberlain. 2012. Woody Florals for Income and Conservation. Virginia Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet. ANR-22NP. 3p.
- Munsell, J.F. 2012. A Muli-perspective Panel of Forest Certification. Virginia Forests. Summer. 10-12.
- Barrett, S.M., J.L. Chandler, M.C. Bolding, and J.F. Munsell. 2012. Forest Harvesting in Virginia: Characteristics of Virginia’s Logging Operations. Virginia Cooperative Extension Publication Number ANR-5. 15p.
- Munsell, J.F.2012. An Update on Agroforestry. Virginia Forest Landowner Update. 26(1):1.
- Rojas, P. and J.F. Munsell. 2011. Chile’s Forests: Past, Present, and Future. Virginia Forests. Winter Edition. 4-7.
- Vaughan, R.C., J.L. Chamberlain, and J.F. Munsell. 2011. Growing American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius)in Forestlands. Virginia Cooperative Extension Publication Number 354-313. 13p.
- Vaughan, R.C. and J.F. Munsell. 2010. Cultivating the forest floor in your tree farm. Tree Farmer Magazine. July/August. 18-20.
- Murrill, S., J.F. Munsell, and D.A. Robertson. 2010. Forest Landcare in the Chesapeake Headwaters: A Case Study of the Blue Ridge Forest Cooperative. In: Chapter 3 – A Sustainable Chesapeake: Better Models for Conservation. Editors: D. Burke and J. Dunn. The Conservation Fund. Arlington, Va.
- Barrett, S., M.C. Bolding, and J.F. Munsell. 2010. Virginia SHARP Logger Survey: Characteristics of Virginia’s Logging Businesses. Virginia Forests. Summer Edition. 11-14.
- Barrett, S., M.C. Bolding, and J.F. Munsell. 2010. Loggers Willingness to Adapt to Biomass Harvesting. Forest Operations Review. 12(2): 21-22.
- Munsell, J.F.and C. Kimmel. 2010. Service Learning and Whole-Farm Planning in the Catawba and North Fork Valleys. Engagement Matters. 2(1): 2-3.
- Munsell, J.F.2010. Sustainable Forest Education Program Seeks to Reach the Next Generation of Forest Stewards. CSA News. 55(2):47;50.
- Munsell, J.F.2010. Finding the Good Oak in Urban Forests. Virginia Forests. Spring Edition. 13-15.
- Brunner, A., J.F. Munsell, J.L. Gagnon, H. Burkhart, C. Zipper, C. Jackson, A.G. Fannon, B. Stanton, and R. Shuren. 2009. Hybrid Poplar for Bioenergy and Biomaterials Feedstock Production on Appalachian Reclaimed Mine Land. 2009 Powell River Project Research and Education Program Reports. 44-48.
- Munsell, J.F., W. Worrell, and A.C. Lee. 2009. Monitoring the Health and Productivity of Powell River Project Forests with Special Emphasis on Sustaining High-Value and Biologically Diverse Reclamation Systems. 2009 Powell River Project Research and Education Program Reports. 107-111.
- Munsell, J.F.and R.C. Vaughan. 2009. Agro-Forestry in the Peach State: Integrative Land Management to Enhance Productivity and Sustainability. Georgia Forestry Today. 5(5):12-15.
- Munsell, J.F.2009. Book Review: Cadillac Desert: The American West and Its Disappearing Water. Virginia Forests. Summer Edition. 13.
- Munsell, J.F.2009. Principles and Prospects of Uneven-aged Silviculture in Virginia. Virginia Forests. Spring Edition. 9-12.
- Vaughan, R.C. and J.F. Munsell. 2009. Temperate Agroforestry: Diversification for Profitable and Sustainable Land Management in the Commonwealth. Virginia Forests. Spring Edition. 4-8.
- Brinckman, M.D. and J.F. Munsell. 2009. Mixed Multi-Scalar Methods to Assess Wood Biomass Availability on Family Forests in Virginia’s Southside. In: McWilliams, Will; Moisen, Gretchen; Czaplewski, Ray, comps. 2008. 2008 Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Symposium; October 21-23, 2008; Park City, UT. Proc. RMRS-P-56CD. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 1 CD.
- Munsell, J.F.and J.L. Gagnon. 2009. Investing in Sustainable Forestry: A Pocket Guide for Virginia’s Landowners. Virginia Cooperative Extension Numbered Publication. 420-186. 11 p.
- Gagnon, J.L. and J.F. Munsell. 2008. The Virginia Forest Landowner Education Program Announces the Release of its 6th Short Course: Investing in Sustainable Forestry. Engagement Matters. 1(4):11;13.
- Munsell, J.F., J. Rockett, W. Worrell, and D. Whiteley. 2008. A working laboratory at the Powell River Project to research and promote sustainable forest management. 2008 Powell River Project Research and Education Program Reports. 58-60.
- Murrill, S.B., Munsell. J.F., and D.A. Robertson. 2008. Forest Landcare: An Opportunity for Collaborative Forestry Extension. Evolving challenges and changing expectations for forestry extension and technology transfer: Meeting the needs of people and forests around the globe: popular summaries. Smith, G. K. M. and L. J. Buse (Compilers) Mattawa and Ottawa, ON. Queen's Printer for Ontario. Ontario, Canada. 172, Vol. Forest Research Information Paper, 74 p.
- Munsell. J.F.and J.L. Gagnon. 2008. Heritage Extension in Virginia: Merging Tourism with Technical Forest Management Education via the LEAF Program. Evolving challenges and changing expectations for forestry extension and technology transfer: Meeting the needs of people and forests around the globe: popular summaries. Smith, G. K. M. and L. J. Buse (Compilers) Mattawa and Ottawa, ON. Queen's Printer for Ontario. Ontario, Canada. 172, Vol. Forest Research Information Paper, 74 p.
- Munsell, J.F.2008. Peer-to-Peer Communication: One of Forestry Extension’s Most Important Mechanisms. Virginia Forest Landowner Update. 22(4):4.
- Munsell, J.F.2008. The Montreal Process and Why it Matters in Virginia. Virginia Forests. Summer Edition. 13-17.
- Munsell, J.F., M. Yancey, A.K. Downing, J. Rockett, and J. Gagnon. 2008. Heritage Extension in Virginia: Merging Tourism and Forestry Education in an Outdoor Setting. Virginia Forest Landowner Update. 22(2):5.
- Munsell, J.F.2008. Wood-to-Energy in Virginia: Boon or Bane? Virginia Forest Landowner Update. 22(1):3.
- Munsell, J.F.2007. Words Can Vary, But Not Our Principles – Thoughts From the New Forest Management Extension Specialist. Engagement Matters. 1(1):2.
- Munsell, J.F.2004. What are Forestry Best Management Practices (BMP) SUNY-ESF Environmental Information Series.
- Munsell, J.F.and R.H. Germain. 2001. In this case, talk is far from cheap: a landowner's role in extension and outreach. New York Forest Owner. 39(6):10-11.