Gregory Frey

Forest Sciences Laboratory
3041 E. Cornwallis Road
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Dr. Gregory Frey is a Research Forester at the USDA Forest Service. His work involves evaluating the impacts of forest policy, regulation, and taxes. This includes various drivers of implementation of agroforestry systems in Virginia such as alley cropping, forest farming, and silvopasture. Greg is interested in helping landowners conserve land while at the same time generate income. Greg became interested in agroforestry systems such as silvopasture systems, while serving as a Volunteer and Volunteer Coordinator for the US Peace Corps in Paraguay. He then returned to the US to receive his PhD at NC State University in forest economics, studying the feasibility and profitability of agroforestry systems in the United States and Argentina. After NC State, Dr. Frey worked for three years at the World Bank, helping countries fight deforestation, and three years at Virginia State University, teaching about and research resource management and sustainable income streams, including various potential agroforestry systems.
- Economics of Agroforestry
- A within-farm efficiency comparison of silvopasture systems to conventional pasture and forestry systems in Northeast Argentina
- Comparing silvopastoral systems and prospects in eight regions of the world
- Economic potential of agroforestry and forestry in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley with incentive programs and carbon payments
- The Basics of Hardwood-Log Shiitake Mushroom Production and Marketing
- Pests Affecting Shiitake Mushrooms